
The latest: Perry High candy illness spreading

March 7, 2018

The number of students who had adverse reactions after eating candy brought to Perry High School Wednesday morning has grown to about 20.

Five of the students were taken to a hospital, said Police Chief Michael Pomesky, while other students were being checked. Emergency crews from Perry and Jackson townships and the city of Massillon were called to the school when students became ill with accelerated heart rates and dilated pupils after eating the candy.

As of 1 p.m., medics were still being called to the school as more students were developing symptoms.

Pomesky said the candy was being sent to the Stark County Crime Lab for testing to determine if it was laced with any substance.

Students who were not transported to hospitals by emergency crews were given the option for a parent or legal guardian to take them for medical treatment. Many of the parents were taking their child to a hospital.

Pomesky did not identify the type of candy.


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